Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 5-6: A bit of Dissapointment...

Well, my egg hatched, woot!

Checked the stats... It's a boy!

With only gallop u.u;

Well, if I work at it, I may be able to teach him canter later on. I think I'll stock up 6 or so discernment chocotrains. Then as soon as his endurance and str are capped, pump up discernment with them and put him on basic care. Then I'll sit and tell him the story over and over until he learns it.

Went and leveled dancer. Managed to get 5 levels. Next day, got another invite within 3 seconds of flagging. I also soloed a VT...

My god I <3 dancer...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O seu site é interessante, tem boa navegaçao e os assuntos são bons.
Muito Sucesso.